Life-cycle assessment of coffee pods – one less thing to feel guilty about

Do you feel guilty about using your Nespresso machine? Life-cycle assessment of coffee pods shows they actually have less environmental impact than most other methods of making coffee.

They are actually better for the environment than other options, based on a rigorous life-cycle assessment of their total environmental impact. The popular belief that coffee pods are bad for the planet is really a misconception.

Taking into account the total life-cycle impact of bringing the coffee to the cup including waste, energy and recycling, other options such as drip machines or filters have a significantly worse impact. The (literally) unpalatable truth seems to be that instant coffee is the most environmentally friendly option, with capsule machines in second place.

As usual, it’s important to go beyond the obvious and superficial answers to really understand how to reduce our impact. Everything is complex and interconnected. The real answer may be counterintuitive.

So you don’t need to feel guilty about your Nespresso machine, but if you are now feeling guilty about your filters (unbelached or otherwise), or your drip machine, positive solutions are available.

Deep Adaptation: A Map for Navigating Climate Tragedy

“Deep Adaptation: A Map for Navigating Climate Tragedy” – Vice interviewed Jem Bendall about his allegedly “depressing” paper. If you read the whole article, it emerges that some people have actually found it empowering.

The paper is intended to be an “ethical and philosophical framework”. You will note that the word “map” appears in the title, which is a clue to the content.

While the factual content about the environment is disturbing, there are better strategies than collective denial when we are confronted with existential risks.

“The longer we refuse to talk about climate change as already here and screwing with our way of life – because we don’t want to think like that, because it’s too frightening or will somehow demotivate people – the less time we have to reduce harm”

Download the original paper here and please try not to be frightened or demotivated – these are not useful responses.

Green Guilt Gone

What is best for the environment? We’re constantly bombarded by news about global environmental crises, but the implications of our individual choices are so complex that they cause long-term green guilt and anxiety.

We are developing positive solutions to help relieve your guilt and anxiety about the environment.